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Whether you are actively pursuing new opportunities or would just like to keep your eyes on the marketplace, we got your back! We tailor our search process to fit your needs because let’s be real, you are busy and don’t need to be badgered by recruiters all day. Our goal isn’t to send you a million jobs, it’s to find you the right fit based off of where you are at professionally, personally, and where you ultimately want to take your Pharmacy career.


Bottom line: WE LISTEN TO YOU. 


So let’s connect and find where you are looking to take your Pharmacy career and if we can help be your eyes, ears, and dream opportunity champions.

CharaRx Career Service Packages

We align opportunities that best fit your current and future needs and that help leverage your career forward. This may be your dream job, or an opportunity that gives you experience necessary to get to that dream job. We help through work through this process and determine long term goals.

Tier 1: Clarify Career Goals

We align opportunities that best fit your current and future needs and that help leverage your career forward. This may be your dream job, or an opportunity that gives you experience necessary to get to that dream job. We take the time to work with you as a partner through this process and aid in determining your long term goals based on your interests and current market trends.

Tier 2: Resume & Online Presence Review

We live in a fast-moving moment in time where we only have a few milliseconds to make the right first impression. We review and add value to your current resume and add value to ensure that your CV/resume and online presence accurately represent you as a high-level candidate through industry-proven formatting, language, and keywords. In other words, we know what Hiring Managers are looking for and make sure you are it!

Tier 3: Interview Prep

When you work with CharaRx, you will never go into an interview unprepared. We have done this at a macro-scale and know the nuances of how to truly set yourself apart in the hiring process. Our interview prep ensures that you feel confident stepping into any interview. We don't just help you determine your dream job, we help you WIN it.

Tier 4: Resume Writing & Formatting

Starting from scratch? Don’t know where to begin? Overwhelmed by how much the market has changed since you last applied for a position? No need to worry - we have your back! With this package, you benefit from Tiers 1 through 3 PLUS we do the hard work of putting your experience down on paper off your plate. Once we have reviewed your finished resume together, we include online presence review and interview prep to make sure you land your dream job.

Ready to get started?

We'd love to get the conversation started and share our pricing for the above packages as well as a customizable package option to ensure we help you achieve your career goals! 

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